This month, two of the members of the TS team attended the Canadian Firearms Safety Course held at the R.A. Centre in Ottawa. The intensive course taught the safe handling, transportation, storage and display of both non-restricted and restricted firearms. The course was taught by two very experienced Certified Firearms Safety Instructors. Having successfully completed the written and manual examinations, they will now be eligible to apply for the Possession and Acquisition License (PAL).
The owning and use of a firearm is a privilege, like any other license. We recognize the absolute necessity to always be safe around firearms and treat them with respect.
If you own or are thinking about owning a firearm, be aware that you are responsible for keeping up to date on all federal, provincial, and municipal laws and regulations relating to them.
Be safe and be legal!
If you have any questions about the Canadian Firearms Program, please contact them at 1-800-731-4000.
Ian R. Stauffer
Partner – Litigation Law Group
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